
Showing posts from March, 2021

Incorporating Perspective

  Perspective is the way you see something. With this being said, everyone has their own perspective. People interpret things differently than each other. An example of this would be the famous saying,” Is the glass half empty or half full?” This is asking how someone perceives life. If the person sees the glass as half full they look at things positively, if they see it as half empty they look at things negatively. The catch to this is there is a set amount of water and both answers are right it just identifies your perspective. Perspective is often used in films of all genres. This enhances the film and expresses many different feelings. When you see the inside of someone's head in cartoons or flashbacks in movies, that is perspective. In my film I have decided to take on the challenge of including perspective in my opening sequence. You will be able to hear what the main character is thinking. This will be difficult to portray but that’s why you study and learn the material you

Editing Sound

  Sound affects our everyday life in many ways. It is in fact one of our six senses. This goes to show how essential it really is. Imagine a world without sound. You would not only miss out on the amazing factors of the world but could potentially be in danger. That may sound intense, can losing your hearing really be dangerous. The answer is yes and here is why. You can no longer be fully aware. When out in public we use our hearing to determine a number of things. For instance, is there a person or car behind you or is something safe to do. Also, it has been proven that hearing loss is linked to multiple other diseases and conditions. As far the factors of the world you would be missing out on, there a plethora of things on this list. You don’t get to fully experience everything. For example, in thriller movies they use soundtracks to emotionally affect the viewers. This also helps you know when something interesting is going to happen. Without sound you wouldn’t get to enjoy this fe

My Editing Experience

  Most of my filming is complete. I have spent the last few days completing it. It definitely was a struggle. What I cushioned was way harder to do than I thought. really filming is not where the magic comes in. Editing is what you use to enhance simple footage. This turns it into something more complex and full of many different elements. For example, in one of my scenes Takiyah, the main character, is thinking. We are seeing her thoughts. Realistically how would we know that those were her thoughts? We would need special effects. There are conventions for things like this. Like when you see a scene where the screen has like a filter. You can assume that this is a different perspective or time period. Also, when voice overs are used. This emphasizes the attention on a certain character. Over the years these ideas have been developed. Of course there have been people that went a different way or even changed it a little. That will be the case for me. I’m going to take what people know

Filming Research

  Over the last few days I have been completing many things for my project. The part that I have been dealing with the most is film. It is very important to film when you have the opportunity to. With filming you already have an idea of what your scenery is so when you see it that’s when you should film. What I mean by this is that if you want a rainy scene, if it’s raining don’t wait to start filming because you don’t know when it will rain again. You could always wait but you have due dates. The reason I also put film over editing or other things is because you can always do that at home. Plus it’s smart to make sure you have all your material before editing. This is not mandatory, but it just makes the most sense. Say you were to run out of time and you can’t complete anything else, would you rather give the full opening sequence unedited, or part of it that is edited beautifully? You would most likely have a better chance submitting something that is complete. This has definitely b

Film Schedule Update

There has been so much work put into this project.  Why should I stop now? I made some extra arrangements. This way I could get the shots I wanted to get. I am in Orlando filming scenes 1-3. My schedule is going as planned so far. I made  sure to give one day in between each filming period. This way I get to take it break or maybe even edit. Also it will give me time to complete my blogs. For the filming periods I am focused on the main ideas of the shot. Editing is where things like sound and lighting get added. One would say we rely on technology to do everything. It's very true, having to do everything by hand and your own program. This would require a whole new skill. It would definitely be extremely timely, you would need to have time to complete this. Honestly, I think I need to spend more time with detail. I need to make sure everything is spot on. From head to toe the characters should know what to say or do. This not only makes it easier on them but on me too. They will lo

Filming & Editing My Final Task

  There is so much so much to the filming and editing process. You really need the proper education to be successful in this field. Throughout most of the course we have mostly been walked through the process and given thorough instruction. This time it is different. It is time that we step out and become more independent. Little did we know we were already being prepared for this change. Now that we know what to do and how it's supposed to be done we can do it with ease. The problem for me is that I sometimes underestimate the difficulty of an assignment. Therefore, I am still working on some of the planning for my final task. My storyboard and script still need some touch ups. I know my general idea. I'm just still working out some of the details. This of course will not take me much longer since I already know what I have in mind. Things like this are not really hard for me. I picture everything in my head. The only problem with this is that if I dont act fast enough I may f


Title Design In Details

Location, Sound, Participants, Health, Schedule


Sound & Shooting Script


Title Research: Ma

  The beginning of this movie is very similar to the others. This is because of conventions. They relate just enough to be in the same genre, but not enough to be the same movie. The beginning starts off with the name of the movie, people associated, and production company. It starts with a dark mysterious vibe. This leaves a negative connotation. It ensures that the film will be scary to some extent. Not many movies start off dark and go light. But this is not the case for all movies. Sometimes the movie can start off sad and then it becomes happy. This is possible, just no really in thriller. This is just one of he few conventions. This film used many forms of technology. Technology was one of the ways that they ensured it appeals to the audience. Imagine how film would be without todays tech. How would they know how to really target today’s audiences. The people have changed a lot over the years. Knowing there interests and what keeps hem watching is basically impossible to do witho

Title Research: The Hunt

  First, we started off by looking at a spiraling earth. Then words start to appear. This is the logo of Universal pictures. They start off every film of theirs this way. Then we get into the movie. The next thing we see are disclaimers and police badges. This sets the tone of the movie being a little much. What I mean by this is that it will either be graphic, disturbing or just too inappropriate to younger audiences. Next objects are being thrown all over the room. This can symbolize many things. For instance, this could demonstrate that there will be a messy plot. It coils also set the tone as violent. A feeling for the genre is established by the specific editing details. The main thing is the lighting. Lighting has multiple connotations. If it is light it means pure or good, if it dark it means evil or bad. In this case it was dark. Like in most others in this genre. Technology basically made this. The scene is fully animated. It also needed to be edited to make things fly across

Title Research: Get Out

  There are multiple titles that appear in the beginning. Unlike some of the other opening sequences I seen, this film had a special timing to it. The title cards were specially timed to fit the theme it had going on. The first one we see is Universal studios. This is the name of the film company. They go on to name everyone that was involved in the making of the film. Including, the name of the film, the production company, and the person it is associated with. The setting is what is being prioritized. It is an empty street with only the street lights lighting it. The connotations that they carry are dark and gloomy. It is not quite scary, it's just somewhere that you know you have to watch your surroundings. With this at the beginning of the film this gets the audience already awake. This is good because you know they won't get sleepy or bored that easily. It establishes a feeling of the genre by making the audience feel things that are associated with the genre. The filmmake

Title Research: A Quiet Place

  When you first start the film you see titles. There is the production company, film company, and Title of the movie. These are all portrayed in different ways. There is a theme. It is a weather theme. This is important to some parts of the movie. When I first watched it I thought this was the opening sequence for the film. It is not, it's more like for the production company. After watching it a few times I found this out. It was super helpful having the knowledge from the websites we studied. With this knowledge I was able to recognize the difference between the two. After the movie title we see the actual theme. The title cards are black and the music is loud and intense. The music suggests that the film will be very interesting. There is a negative connotation for all these thighs. For example, black and fire. Both are incorporated. Fire is always seen as deadly and black is seen as dark or scary. Although this may seem bad, this is the type of vibe you are looking for when cr

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

  I have already started my research on titles. I want to learn more. This way I know exactly what I should be doing when it's time to start. From the previous website I learned that there are multiple ways to do your titles. Also that it depends on your genre and film. From this website I learned the power that certain elements had. For example, using a dark screen in scary movies is a very powerful move. I also learned the difference between end credits and beginning credits. Mixing up the two could be a crucial mistake. You would use a closing argument as the opening in court so you shouldn’t do it in your film. This would definitely confuse the audience.

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

  There are many ways to find information. You could use the internet, read a book, or even take a class for the subject. I am using a credible website to obtain knowledge of how to incorporate titles into my opening sequence. I have no experience with doing titles. Therefore, I have a lot of researching to do. While browsing the website I saw multiple different examples of what the titles of an opening sequence should look like. There are a variety of ways they can be done. It all just depends on your film. I also did some research. I came to the realization that it would be in my best interest to look at examples of thriller films. This would give me better insight of what exactly it is that I need to do.

Genre Research: Fatale

  High stakes is an element of the genre thriller. Hugh stakes is what keeps the watcher watching. You know the feeling when you are on the edge of the seat. Or you're watching a movie and you feel like you can’t turn your head. High stakes is the term for this feeling. The movie has this written all over it. The reason for this is all the surprises. In some movies you can guess what will happen and then it happens. In Fatale you would never be able to guess the next move. As you get further into the movie you get dragged deeper into the plot.  At the very beginning of the movie the main character is having an affair.  He is a sports agent who has a beautiful wife at home. He risks his whole career and family for a one night stand. He later finds out that the woman he slept with is a corrupt police officer. She uses him for her benefit. As the movie goes on we start to see all these connections. Everything starts to make sense. We learn why she needs him to do certain tasks. This w

Genre Research: Peppermint

  Action is one of the many genres that fascinate me. As some may know, lots of genres cross. What I mean by this is that each film usually has a few different genres. Certain genres just go together. Where there is thriller there is most likely action. Or in thrillers you see horror. These are just some examples of genres that are associated with each other. Peppermint showed a lot of action. In the movie a woman’s family was murdered right in front of her. At first she was fixed on getting justice for her family. She soon realized this was impossible and mostly everyone involved was potentially corrupt. She then became numb and set out to eliminate everyone involved with the case, including the murderers. There are also many twists in the plot. Film makers do this by showing you the actions but not showing you the person who is executing it. This creates a certain level of suspense that keeps the audience watching.  Another way to keep the audience engaged is just action. Lots of peo

Genre Research: Ava

       One element that I chose to base my final task on is twists. There are many elements to choose from. I paired that element with this film because the film is flooded with twists. You could use this film as an example for how twists are supposed to be presented. A twist is when there are multiple changes. These changes aren’t bad, in fact they are good. The twists are what enhance the individual plot. Even though the plot can stand on its own there are ways to make it more interesting. Twists are one of the ways. What makes the twists so enhancing is the fact that they are unexpected. There are lots of pros and cons to the unexpected. People usually consider it to be a bad thing. It's just not as likely for people to know that there is lots of good in the unexpected. Like a birthday party it's already fun and interesting, but when it's a surprise party it's one hundred times better. An element that I found quite intriguing was the complexity of the plot. Lots of p