Genre Research: Fatale


High stakes is an element of the genre thriller. Hugh stakes is what keeps the watcher watching. You know the feeling when you are on the edge of the seat. Or you're watching a movie and you feel like you can’t turn your head. High stakes is the term for this feeling. The movie has this written all over it. The reason for this is all the surprises. In some movies you can guess what will happen and then it happens. In Fatale you would never be able to guess the next move. As you get further into the movie you get dragged deeper into the plot.  At the very beginning of the movie the main character is having an affair.  He is a sports agent who has a beautiful wife at home. He risks his whole career and family for a one night stand. He later finds out that the woman he slept with is a corrupt police officer. She uses him for her benefit. As the movie goes on we start to see all these connections. Everything starts to make sense. We learn why she needs him to do certain tasks. This whole process will just have your eyes fixed on the television. You never want to stop watching.


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