Genre Research: Peppermint


Action is one of the many genres that fascinate me. As some may know, lots of genres cross. What I mean by this is that each film usually has a few different genres. Certain genres just go together. Where there is thriller there is most likely action. Or in thrillers you see horror. These are just some examples of genres that are associated with each other. Peppermint showed a lot of action. In the movie a woman’s family was murdered right in front of her. At first she was fixed on getting justice for her family. She soon realized this was impossible and mostly everyone involved was potentially corrupt. She then became numb and set out to eliminate everyone involved with the case, including the murderers. There are also many twists in the plot. Film makers do this by showing you the actions but not showing you the person who is executing it. This creates a certain level of suspense that keeps the audience watching. 

Another way to keep the audience engaged is just action. Lots of people love action. The thing about it is that it can be universal. Any age group can watch and enjoy. This means more people will tune in. 


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