My Editing Experience

 Most of my filming is complete. I have spent the last few days completing it. It definitely was a struggle. What I cushioned was way harder to do than I thought. really filming is not where the magic comes in. Editing is what you use to enhance simple footage. This turns it into something more complex and full of many different elements. For example, in one of my scenes Takiyah, the main character, is thinking. We are seeing her thoughts. Realistically how would we know that those were her thoughts? We would need special effects. There are conventions for things like this. Like when you see a scene where the screen has like a filter. You can assume that this is a different perspective or time period. Also, when voice overs are used. This emphasizes the attention on a certain character. Over the years these ideas have been developed. Of course there have been people that went a different way or even changed it a little. That will be the case for me. I’m going to take what people know and change it just a little. This way it fits my vision. I don’t want to change it too much cause it could negatively affect your film. People may become confused. Confusion is something you never want in film. 


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