
Showing posts from November, 2020

Filming Techniques for my Music Video

  During the filming of my music video I experience something totally different than with the last two projects. This filming process was organized into three different parts. It is because of the multiple settings that I separated it this way. The first section is the beginning of the video. In the beginning we start off in the park. These scenes weren’t too difficult to film. Except for some issues with lighting. I had to find a way to get a good angle and still have the background I want. This took some time. Also, since this is the first few scenes I was still figuring out how I wanted to do the filming. As far as setting up the camera. Since I am in the video this was especially hard. I found that a good solution would be using a stand, kind of like a tripod, and a timer. This allowed me to start the camera then get in place. I was contemplating whether to just make one long video and then separate it in the editing section. This would actually require more editing than to ju

Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

  In my storyboard is the visual plan for my music video. This is the simplified version of what I am going to do. This version does not include the dance moves or the clothing that will be worn. These are two very important factors of the video. In the first box is the start of the video. My sister and I will be walking into the park, towards the camera. A lot of the video is at the park just because the park has a positive connotation. Next, you see us walk over to the slides, this is will be very short in the video because of the time limit. I don't want to take up too much time on the stuff that is not as important. In the third box this is the last scene in the park. We are dancing on the swing. I wanted to make sure that the dance I chose didn't require so much moving during this scene so that we could do it on the swings. Then we are in the car for another quick shot. We arrive at the corner store and we look around a bit before we move onto the dancing. Just to give som

Planning for my Music Video

  The title of the song I have chosen is Sunday’s Best. The song is by a duo that goes by the name of Surfaces. My music video will be outside and it will feature several dance routines there will be no props. This is similar to things done in other pop music videos. The costumes will be popular and trendy clothing. Things like cargo pants and a baggy shirt, bright clothing, jeans, etc. These are very important factors in my video because aside from the setting they will be the attention catcher. I know this from experience. Not from experience of producing or filming music videos but from watching them. When I watch a music video the two main things that intrigue me are the choreography and the clothing attire. The schedule for my video is going to be a tight one. I intend to have multiple changes in scenery. I would also like to get shots of the same scene from different angles. This will be time consuming and will require many takes. A few locations will be the park, local stores, a

Research: Music Video Conventions

  The genre of my music video is pop. The pop genre was established in the 1950s. It was recognized as music that is popular. With this genre being so broad it has many subdivisions. Sunday’s Best, the song that I chose for my music video, has its own special conventions. In songs like these there is a plethora of different things that occur. There is always a positive ambience. The people in the video are meant to be perceived as people who are enjoying life. Lots of things go on in the videos. Their focus, unlike other videos, isn't really the artist, it's more about the story that is being told. Some videos even utilize many eye catching props. They do this by using bright colors and fancy, or what is the popular clothing of the time. Considering the fact that pop has been around for a long time. Usually with the upbeat videos the video consists of some sort of dancing. This is something that is common and repeated in the genre. For years pop artists have dance in their vide

Introduction to the music video project

For the music video I have decided to work alone. Various factors have led me to this conclusion. The first being that I am very independent. I take pride in the work that I do and working alone gives me the great feeling of having accomplished something amazing. On some of the last projects I admit that I did not do my best work. From time to time I have difficulties making adjustments. This is simply because of my past. This is no excuse and I vow to become more focused and do the best I can to be successful. The song I chose is Sunday’s Best by Surfaces. This song perfectly matches my situation. It is an inspirational song that talks about how it is ok to fall down and get back up. It is a comforting song, like that extra pat on the back. The song reassures you that everything will be fine. The song is very catchy and upbeat. These are conventions for happy songs. With the song having these conventions it is very easy to get stuck in your head. That can be a good thing. You may

Editing my Starburst commercial

Editing is a crucial part of film production. It is like adding the final touches. The editing is where all mistakes that got past the planning stage are corrected. Without this step, media would be so different than we know it today. When you watch a movie or a tv show you don’t see the cameraman or bloopers in the actual movie. This is because they edit. Do you think people would enjoy watching movies that seem incomplete, I know I wouldn’t. The editing on my commercial went smoothly for the most part. This time around it wasn’t as challenging because of my prior knowledge. After using editing software for my last media project I was able to learn the ropes.  Although I have not completely perfected the skill of editing I would say that I can navigate the software pretty easily. Most of my time editing was spent on the overall quality of my commercial. The visual and emotional aspects mostly. What I mean by this is I made sure that the camera quality was very clear because Iknow that

Filming my Starburst commercial

m        With this project we had a choice between working alone and working with a partner. I chose to work along on this. Teamwork is essential and I feel that it can be fun for the most part. Sometimes I just like to do things like this on my own. It allows lots of room for me to express my creativity. To make a commercial, that takes a lot of creativity. There are so many aspects that should be well represented and it should be detailed. This is important because you want your audience to see it and immediately know what it is. This is the reason for conventions. Conventions are elements that are used in film to symbolize or represent an object or character. For instance, without the colors and emphasis on juiciness would you be able to recognize a Starburst commercial. During the filming of my commercial there were a lot of steps. I started by making sure that all my props were in the right position and that the lighting was right. I started to film and