Research: Music Video Conventions


The genre of my music video is pop. The pop genre was established in the 1950s. It was recognized as music that is popular. With this genre being so broad it has many subdivisions. Sunday’s Best, the song that I chose for my music video, has its own special conventions. In songs like these there is a plethora of different things that occur. There is always a positive ambience. The people in the video are meant to be perceived as people who are enjoying life. Lots of things go on in the videos. Their focus, unlike other videos, isn't really the artist, it's more about the story that is being told. Some videos even utilize many eye catching props. They do this by using bright colors and fancy, or what is the popular clothing of the time. Considering the fact that pop has been around for a long time. Usually with the upbeat videos the video consists of some sort of dancing. This is something that is common and repeated in the genre. For years pop artists have dance in their video, whether it be something catchy or something more slow and admirable. Within the pop music industry, another trend that is followed is following the previous trend. That sentence may make you do a double take, but yes you read right. It is a trend to follow trends that were set by previous artists. If someone does something like having a party scene in their video and it becomes popular most likely the creators after will follow. That's exactly how conventions even came about. If no one followed the same standards there wouldn't be certain ideas or objects used to identify groups or genres.


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