Assembling my Final Task


Throughout the time that I’ve been working on my project I’ve had a system. I chose to work on a different part of the project as I go. There wasn’t even really a specific order. I just did what was most convenient at the time. I found this to be a decent technique. I got what I needed to get done for the most part.  To go say that it’s not good to have some organization, because it is. Being organized is how you prevent things like forgetting parts or messing up. Although the absence of these things comes with organization, I haven’t had these problems. Probably because there is still some organization in my process. It’s just different. Like all things, just because it’s different doesn’t mean it isn’t just as proficient. Now it’s time to put together what I have. Hence the title. I just have to go over each part and make perfections. This is basically still the editing process. The editing process takes up most of the project. If you think about it you are constantly going back and checking. This is something you do everyday. Like when you get food at a fast food restaurant or when you leave the house. These are just examples of how much we double check or edit in our everyday life.


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