Showing posts from April, 2021
Finishing Touches
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We have reached the end of our project journey. Throughout this time period I have learned so much. Taking this class definitely allowed me to experience lots of different things. Things that others don’t get to experience. For instance, before this class I never had a clue what a storyboard was. Now I know that it shapes the whole movie. I also think it’s interesting seeing the movie in this form. When studying film you start to understand a lot of things that others don’t. The same questions that you had before when you are in the audience are being answered. this is all due to you taking knowledge. Some people still live with the curiosity we used to have. Learning the process also makes you appreciate the work more. Before we thought it was such an easy task creating a movie. Now that I have done a fraction of what filmmakers do everyday, I am very grateful. Gradual for their hard work and dedication. It takes a lot of dedication to go through with the whole process. Th...
Assembling my Final Task
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Throughout the time that I’ve been working on my project I’ve had a system. I chose to work on a different part of the project as I go. There wasn’t even really a specific order. I just did what was most convenient at the time. I found this to be a decent technique. I got what I needed to get done for the most part. To go say that it’s not good to have some organization, because it is. Being organized is how you prevent things like forgetting parts or messing up. Although the absence of these things comes with organization, I haven’t had these problems. Probably because there is still some organization in my process. It’s just different. Like all things, just because it’s different doesn’t mean it isn’t just as proficient. Now it’s time to put together what I have. Hence the title. I just have to go over each part and make perfections. This is basically still the editing process. The editing process takes up most of the project. If you think about it you are constantly goin...
Analyzing a Film
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After a movie is shot, there is much more work to do. People don’t see all the work that is put in behind closed doors. Nor do they see the process that filmmakers go through to produce the films that everyone loves. After filming comes the editing process. I feel that the editing process has many steps. Sometimes these steps can start during the filming process or after. It really just depends on how you prefer to do your work. I do the editing as I work. Filming never goes as expected. With this being said, sometimes I can’t film when I want to. So in this free time I go and edit the scenes that I have already filmed. In the end I honestly think this is a smarter decision. If you do it as you go you won’t have a whole lot of editing to do at the end of your filming. This is just something I like to do. I know that everyone has their own way of doing things. Just because someone does it differently doesn’t mean their way isn’t just as effective as yours. This doesn’t only pertai...
Importance of Acting
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Acting is an art. There are all type songs of acting. These different kinds of acting are used commonly in different places in the world. Each region has a different audience. It even gets a shot specific as each state or city. Different people are drawn to different things. The data is collected of the films or types of media that do the best as far as box office numbers. Production offices then act accordingly, providing what is asked for. This is also called supply and demand. Acting plays a very important part in this. An actor isn’t someone who portrays a character in a performance. This performance can be a movie, tv show, play, or musical. Actors have a difficult job. Majority of people see the final product and assume that it isn’t as easy as it looks. Oftenly, that is not the case. There are two common struggles. The first one is persuasion. The actor must retain their lines and act as if this is their actual life. You shouldn’t be able t...
Title Sequence
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There are many ways you can do a title sequence. You are allowed to be creative with this. Whatever you feel is needed you may add. You should be very careful how you edit your title sequence. Just as well as it can have good effects, it can have bad ones. The title sequence is most likely the very first thing you see in a film. Whether you like it or not people start to judge as soon as the screen comes on. If the title cards don’t attract the audience this could affect your reputation negatively. To me something that is very important is the transitions. This is what ties the title cards together. You have to make sure everything flows, this way it looks seamless. The way to do this would be making the clips line up, having good music, and most importantly having a good relationship with the film itself. What i mean by that is if you have a scary movie don’t put rainbows and glitter in your title sequence. Make sure it is appropriate and complements your film. Since I have done...