My Pitch


 For my project I have chosen two pitches. The first pitch is “ A man whose family was killed returns to the killer’s house year after year hunting the new residents.” I thought this was a very interesting pitch. If I were to hear about it premiering soon I would definitely watch it. From the very beginning I knew that I wanted to do a thriller. This is my all time favorite genre. It lurs the audience in and has them shook at each twist and turn. Just like there are pros, there are cons. With the resources I have it would be very difficult to accommodate to the Mise-en-scene of this film. It requires a certain setting, people, lighting, all types of things I just can’t realistically make happen. My second pitch was “ What looks to be an equal friendship is actually one sided, one friend secretly hates the other and has some disturbing plans.” This pitch sounds just as interesting as the last. It fits the conventions for a thriller movie. I feel that with this plot you have to be careful. If you don't be as detailed and unique as possible your movie could become a cliche. This is something every filmmaker wants to avoid. If your film is considered a cliche it would get bad reviews, causing fewer people to watch or purchase, which would then result in lower box office numbers. This could just as easily happen to any other film. In the end I chose “What looks to be an equal friendship is actually one sided, one friend secretly hates the other and has some disturbing plans.” This film is definitely easier for me to create using what I have. There will be two main characters. I think it will be interesting to see the story from both characters’ point of view. This will add some perspective to the story.


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