Genre Research: Action & Comedy


  • CAMS: Pan

  • CLAMPS: athletic or casual clothing, mainly located outside, very realistic powerful acting, mostly basic makeup, props are usually things like weapons, and a dark intense setting

  • Editing: Cutaways are used to remind us of the other person’s [currently off camera] facial expressions 

  • Example: What happened to Monday, Ava, and Homefront

  • Sound: Bomb explosions and car tire screeching

  • Liked elements: The movie always pull you in but they don’t necessarily have to use the element of suspense to do this

  • Disliked elements: Sometimes they make references to things that aren’t memorable, this causes confusion.


  • CAMS: Zoom and Reverse zoom 

  • CLAMPS: Wild or bright colored clothes, high key lighting, very detailed acting,simple or natural looking makeup, stage decor, and usually located in clubs or in homes, 

  • Editing: Long takes 

  • Example: Murder Mystery, Spy, and Brides Maids

  • Sound: Lots of recorded sound, for example audience laughter 

  • Liked elements: Very enjoyable 

  • Disliked elements: Sometimes the film maker has a different type of humor so the film may come off as corny to you


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