Genre Decision Blog

For my opening sequence I chose the genre Thriller. There are various reasons as to why I chose this genre. As stated in previous blogs, I have always taken an interest in thrillers. Whether it be movies, books, or even tv series. I find that they are the most intriguing. Watching this type of film will keep you on your toes. You will be deeply sucked in and teased every part of the way. This is a familiar topic to me, seeing as I always choose this. I figured it would be a great idea to pick it for my opening sequence. I already have the background knowledge so that will make the research part easier. Also, being fully aware of the conventions makes it easy to create something along the lines. Although it always seems so right to choose what you know, however it is not the worst idea to step out of the box sometimes. Leaving your comfort zone gives an opportunity for you to discover new things. You could have hobbies and things of that sort that you don’t even know you like because you refuse to step out of your comfort zone. If people always stayed exactly where they were familiar with it would be a whole different world. There would be thousands of inventions that don’t exist. Imagine not having a stop light or a cross road where you need it. That could be extremely dangerous. These people had to at some point do something they wouldn’t usually do to create something wonderful. I have chosen to keep the thriller genre but to step out of the box with the concept. 


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