
Showing posts from February, 2021

Genre Decision Blog

For my opening sequence I chose the genre Thriller. There are various reasons as to why I chose this genre. As stated in previous blogs, I have always taken an interest in thrillers. Whether it be movies, books, or even tv series. I find that they are the most intriguing. Watching this type of film will keep you on your toes. You will be deeply sucked in and teased every part of the way. This is a familiar topic to me, seeing as I always choose this. I figured it would be a great idea to pick it for my opening sequence. I already have the background knowledge so that will make the research part easier. Also, being fully aware of the conventions makes it easy to create something along the lines. Although it always seems so right to choose what you know, however it is not the worst idea to step out of the box sometimes. Leaving your comfort zone gives an opportunity for you to discover new things. You could have hobbies and things of that sort that you don’t even know you like because yo

Genre Research: Action & Comedy

Action   CAMS: Pan CLAMPS: athletic or casual clothing, mainly located outside, very realistic powerful acting, mostly basic makeup, props are usually things like weapons, and a dark intense setting Editing: Cutaways are used to remind us of the other person’s [currently off camera] facial expressions  Example: What happened to Monday, Ava, and Homefront Sound: Bomb explosions and car tire screeching Liked elements: The movie always pull you in but they don’t necessarily have to use the element of suspense to do this Disliked elements: Sometimes they make references to things that aren’t memorable, this causes confusion. Comedy CAMS: Zoom and Reverse zoom  CLAMPS: Wild or bright colored clothes, high key lighting, very detailed acting,simple or natural looking makeup, stage decor, and usually located in clubs or in homes,  Editing: Long takes  Example: Murder Mystery, Spy, and Brides Maids Sound: Lots of recorded sound, for example audience laughter  Liked elements: Very enjoyable  Dis

Genre Research: Thriller

  This power point lists all the conventions of the Thriller genre. There are many things that are carried on from film to film. It could be anything from lighting to sound. These are probably the most commonly used conventions. Without conventions there would be no genres, his would totally change the film industry as we know it.

My Pitch

       For my project I have chosen two pitches. The first pitch is “ A man whose family was killed returns to the killer’s house year after year hunting the new residents.” I thought this was a very interesting pitch. If I were to hear about it premiering soon I would definitely watch it. From the very beginning I knew that I wanted to do a thriller. This is my all time favorite genre. It lurs the audience in and has them shook at each twist and turn. Just like there are pros, there are cons. With the resources I have it would be very difficult to accommodate to the Mise-en-scene of this film. It requires a certain setting, people, lighting, all types of things I just can’t realistically make happen. My second pitch was “ What looks to be an equal friendship is actually one sided, one friend secretly hates the other and has some disturbing plans.” This pitch sounds just as interesting as the last. It fits the conventions for a thriller movie. I feel that with this plot you have to be

Starting the Final Task

     Hello, my name is Aneyah Crowder. I am a Cambridge student who attends Fort Lauderdale High School. I am currently taking AICE Media Studies. One of my passions is art. I enjoy things like drawing, dancing, and everything associated with film. The art of film intrigues me the most. It has multiple different aspects that contribute to the final product. They always say it takes a village. This old, yet commonly used saying means that it takes a team to get something accomplished. Film is made up of a lot of different groups with specifically assigned tasks. They all come together to produce one movie. For this project I chose to work alone once again. This was not my first decision. I actually wanted to attempt doing group work. I felt that if I had other people to help with generating ideas and plans that the project would get finished in a more timely manner. While this is true, I can succeed just as well on my own. Due to all the recent events of 2020, like COVID, working alone