My Music Video CCR


 Conventions were heavily incorporated into my project. They are what make things like genres possible. Without conventions there would be no expectations or guidelines to follow. With people not knowing how to categorize their music videos this could have a massive effect on the industry. This would cause lots of confusion. Resulting in things like the VMAs or the BET awards to be thrown off. Many people like to indulge in these things and possibly ending them could be life changing. My music video represents a whole generation. It targets the younger class. According to many members of the previously mentioned groups, they have had a pretty tough year. Their struggles are mostly disregarded. The song in my video let’s people know it’s ok to have a downfall, things will get better. The song just lifts you up. It makes you feel a certain sense of happiness. We never know what a person is going through. They could have so many things negatively affecting their life. Sometimes they just need a simple nice act or maybe a hug. Consider this song a virtual hug that brightens someone’s day.  

     There are many types of media. All set with different purposes. Genres are the same way. Each genre has a specific function. Horror movies are to trill and intimidate, comedy is to make people laugh, and action is to get the audience interested and excited. My product is intended to encourage and enlighten the audience. Honestly, with everything going on right now, the world could use more inspiration. Rather this be through music or not. Letting people know that they are not alone, there are many people that are going through the same things one of the purposes of this video. The video tells people to keep pushing, things will get brighter. My video could easily be distributed through things like social media, tv commercials, or even word of mouth. Today we live in a world totally different than ever. There are a plethora of ways to communicate with one another. This makes it much easier to spread the news or advertise anything. Also, like the previous decades gossip is a big thing. Word spreads very quickly, leaving many informed on the current events. Pop music is not always meant to teach something or inspire people. Even though in the past it has inspired people or influenced people doesn’t mean that it is the main purpose for the pop genre. The majority of the time it is just for the enjoyment of the audience. This is another convention that I included in my video. I felt it was very important for me to add this factor. It adds more pop culture into the video. Also, making it more enjoyable. 

     When you practice a skill constantly you gradually become better at it. In this case I feel that my production skills have progressed. After completing multiple film projects and even practicing in down time I began to absorb the ways of production. From there on the information seemed to be stuck. This is a good thing and usually my way of learning. Exploring the information on my own allows me to create my own understanding of the material. This way my performance is one hundred percent better. Along with that, I have learned to utilize my resources completely to produce what I envision. At first this was a difficult task for me. I spent most of my time deciding if it was too risky or if it would work like I thought. I now put this energy into finding a way to make it work instead of wondering if it does. If you just sit back and wonder you’ll never know. If entrepreneurs doubted themselves or didn’t act on ideas would they be where they are today. Another thing that was not so easy for me in the beginning was filming. I deeply dreaded filming. For me the word filming had a negative connotation. To this day I'm still unsure of the cause. This was the main cause for my procrastination. Although I was getting discouraged I quickly corrected this. Listening to the song, “Sunday’s Best” from my video is one of the things that helped get me back on track. Once my focus shifted and I became more determined. This led me to start producing better work. Now aware, the difference between my work before and after was evident. Overall I have definitely improved in the production of film. 

     Most things in life require proficient teamwork. You start learning this lesson as early as kindergarten. It is very important that everyone grows up being taught this. So when they are adults they have the ability to work with others. It is no different with the technology we know today. Every device no matter smartphone, tablet, or computer has the same system. They have a hard drive, which is the physical aspects like the keyboard, software, the programs inside that make the computer work, and the internet, almost like the glue of it all. None of this would work without the internet. One of the things I noticed is that editing is almost impossible to do on devices other than computers. I say this because I have tried on multiple devices, the computer having the best outcome. I also realized that the software of the program on the computer versus on the mobile device really differs. The more advanced qualities are on the computers and you can export your videos as MP4’s. On the mobile version these things aren’t accessible. This can be a disadvantage as well as an advantage. With these features in place it may make things more difficult for people with a busier schedule or people on the go. If you spend your day tending to all different types of things you may not have as much time as you like to do things like edit content. Therefore, they may use their cellphone more. This has been proven in multiple studies. If using their phones they won’t be able to access all the offered features. 


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