
Showing posts from December, 2020

My Music Video CCR

     Conventions were heavily incorporated into my project. They are what make things like genres possible. Without conventions there would be no expectations or guidelines to follow. With people not knowing how to categorize their music videos this could have a massive effect on the industry. This would cause lots of confusion. Resulting in things like the VMAs or the BET awards to be thrown off. Many people like to indulge in these things and possibly ending them could be life changing. My music video represents a whole generation. It targets the younger class. According to many members of the previously mentioned groups, they have had a pretty tough year. Their struggles are mostly disregarded. The song in my video let’s people know it’s ok to have a downfall, things will get better. The song just lifts you up. It makes you feel a certain sense of happiness. We never know what a person is going through. They could have so many things negatively affecting their life. Sometimes they j

Music Video

     Succeeding all my hard work, my music video is finally complete. Throughout the process I have remained very focused and determined. There were some final changes that had to be made at the very end of my editing. I actually thought that my editing was done until I did one last review and remembered that it still had a few details that required adjusting. This is why it is important to always double check your work. I already checked and rechecked my work, I was certain that it was perfect, it was not. I was having some issues with exporting my video through different programs. I stated in my editing blog that I used multiple resources. Each resource was assigned with an essential purpose. For instance one there was one that was just for the transitions and another that was just to add the music to the video. One of the conventions of Pop music videos is that they consist of mostly dancing. It is a way to show the joy and keep happy vibes within the video. To match the usually upb

Editing my Music Video

       Like the world around us I am evolving, my skills are evolving. After much practice I am becoming more proficient in editing. I have learned to use my resources and transform them into something great. This project's editing was harder than the others in my opinion. I wanted to include some transitions and effects. This requires me to dig deep to figure out how I could achieve this. I faced a few obstacles along the way. It was very discouraging but I just reminded myself that you have to push through and it will all be worth it at the end. After reevaluating myself I became more driven than ever. I was determined to create something worth being proud of. I then went through my resources to assess which one would be the most useful in my situation. This was a time consuming task. There was a lot of trial and error involved. Although this took me a great deal of time, this is not the task that took the longest. I spent most of my editing making sure everything lines up. Getti

Filming Adjustments in my Music Video

“Saying is very easy but doing is very hard.” This was said by Shaheen Khan. Khan is also in the film industry. She is a Indian film actress. Throughout the filming process I have grown to understand this quote. Even though it seems very obvious, it’s truly not. In life we seem to underestimate lots of things. Not just recently but overtime I have always admired the art of film. I thought,” This is easy! I can do that.” Today I figured out that it’s not as easy as it looks. I made a few significant changes to my music video. I decided that I would use the park as the only location for the music video. This was because I didn’t want to take the focus off of the main subject. The song is the main subject and what needs to be highlighted. With this same mindset I incorporated more transitions into the video. This way the video would still have that wow factor. If I had stuck to my original plan to change our clothing and the location multiple times the audience could get mesmerized. Th